Quran and falling Hail from the Heavenly Icebergs - 4

14:45 - 2024/04/07

The Qur'an says in verse 43 of Surah Noor: "God sends down cold from the sky - from the mountains in it"; Are there mountains in the sky? Why haven't space scientists seen it?!

Quran and Science

Quran and Science

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In other words, the surface or the top of the clouds is never smooth. It is like the surface of the earth which has many unevennesses. From this point of view, it is appropriate to call them mountains.[1]

With these explanations, it becomes clear that this interpretation of the Qur'an not only does not contradict today's science, but also expresses the scientific miracle of the Qur'an. Because no one in that age and time knew precisely that the clouds in the sky are in the form of mountains with different heights that we can see from the bellow. Because we see all the clouds in the form of a wide sheet in the sky, but when we go above the clouds with an airplane, we see the clouds in the form of mountains, valleys, lowlands, and heights.  Like what is on the surface of the earth. In other words, the surface above the clouds is never smooth like the surface of the earth. It has many unevennesses and even in many cases, it is piled on top of each other in the form of mountains. [2]Quran

[1] Fi Zelal al-Quran (In the Shadows of the Qur’an), Sayyid Ibn Qutb, vol. 4, p. 2522.

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