Imam Hussain's Last Prayer

12:48 - 2021/08/24

Imam Hussain's prayer on the Day of Ashura is a clear lesson for us all that we should, at all times, give priority to prayer over all other things. We all wish we were with the Imam (as) and his companions and we request God to resurrect us with them. In order for our wish to come true in shaallah, we must give utmost importance to prayers.

Imam Hussain's Last Prayer

The last prayer
One of the lessons we learn from Imam Hussain (as) is giving importance to prayer. On the Day of Ashura, Imam Hussain (as) was in the middle of a heated battle along with his small army against a huge army of 30 thousand. Despite the gravity of the situation, when the Imam (as) realized it was time for noon prayer, he stopped fighting and performed the noon prayer.

The Imam (as) could offer his prayer in a tent individually or postpone it to a later time, but instead he offered it openly in congregation in its prime time. A number of the companions led by Zuhair ibn Qain and Sa’id ibn Abdullah stood guard to protect the Imam (as) and those praying behind him against the arrows shot at them by the enemy. When the prayer was over, Sa’id ibn Abdullah, who had received 13 arrows in his body in his attempt to protect the Imam (as) fell on the ground. In his last breaths, he said to the Imam (as), “Did I keep my promise, o the son of the Messenger of Allah?” The Imam replied, “Yes, you did, and you will be in front of me in Paradise.”

What do we learn from the Imam's last prayer?
First of all, it shows how devoted the Imam (as) and his companions were and how much they loved praying and worshipping God. Indeed, it was praying and strong connection with the Creator of the universe that enabled them to make such great sacrifice.
It is also a clear lesson for us all that we should, at all times, give priority to prayer over all other things. We all wish we were with the Imam (as) and his companions and we request God to resurrect us with them. In order for our wish to come true in shaallah, we must give utmost importance to prayers.

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