Children are gifts of Allah

16:09 - 2016/05/07

Summary:Children are gifts of Allah and there is no difference between male or female child but Islam said they should be righteous child Holy Prophet (pbuh) said:

الولد الصالح ریحانه من ریاحین الجنه
“A righteous child is a flower from flowers of heaven.”

Children are gifts of Allah

Today, it is quite disheartening to see that some parents rejoice when the newborn child is a male and show their dissatisfaction when the child is a female. But, this should not be the attitude. Islam does not condone this type of behavior, as such was the manner of the parents in the time of ignorance.
Children are gifts of Allah and there is no difference between male or female child but Islam said they should be righteous child Holy Prophet (pbuh) said:

الولد الصالح ریحانه من ریاحین الجنه
“A righteous child is a flower from flowers of heaven.” (1)

He also said:

من سعاده الرجل الولد الصالحه
“Of the signs of prosperity, the righteous child is one.”

Therefore, the parents are responsible for their children and they should be careful how they treat and rear them.yes
1) The Book Wafi, Part 12, pages 196-197.
2) The Book Wafi, Part 12, pages 196-197.


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