The 300-year life of the Sleepers of the Cave in the Quran - 1

17:05 - 2024/04/17

Man cannot live for 300 years in normal condition, so how can we accept the claim of Quran about 300 years life without water and food of the Seven Sleepers?!

The Sleepers of the Cave

The Seven Sleepers of the cave

Short answer:

First, the sleep of the Sleepers of the Cave was a miraculous sleep that should not be compared to ordinary ones. It also appears from the Qur'an verses that their sleep differed from ordinary sleep.

Secondly, God's will is limited only to things that are intrinsically and intellectually impossible (such as the union of opposites and the like), not things that seem impossible in appearance in comparison with our limited knowledge. Since in experimental and biological sciences, it has been proven that long-term sleep with explanations such as winter sleep or freezing and minimizing the body's need for metabolism and energy, are attainable and possible.

Detailed answer:

When we read the story of the Sleepers of the Cave in the Qur'an, we see that this divine book has given a life span of about 300 years for these God-seeking youths. Considering that ordinary people cannot live this long. How can we accept the Quran's claim about their life without food and water?!

The answer to this question can be summarized under three headings:

The miracle of this Sleep and its difference from  ordinary Sleeps:

The sleep of the Sleepers of the cave was a miraculous thing that was done by God Almighty with educational. This sleep was not like our ordinary sleeps and like our night sleeps, but it was a sleep that had an exceptional aspect. Therefore, it is not surprising that the Sleepers of the cave fell into a long sleep by God's will. In this long sleep, they were not affected by lack of food, nor were their body structures damaged.

It also appears from the verses of Surah Kahf that their sleep patterns were very different from normal sleeps. In verse 18 of Surah Al-Kahf, we read: [1]

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